
Rockingham County (VA)

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Welcome to the Rockingham County collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.

Pollice, Fire & Rescue Numbering

Rockingham County Sheriff's Office Unit Numbers:

2100's Administrative

01- Sheriff
02- Major

2200's Investigations

03- Captain
05- Lieutenant
10's- Sergeants
20's- Investigators

2300's Road Patrol Deputies

04- Captain
05- Lieutenant
10's- Sergeants
20's  Corporals
30's+ Patrol Deputies

2400's Process Servers

 10- Sergeant
 20- Corporal

2500's School Resource Officers

 10- Sergeant
 20- Corporal
 30's- School Resource Deputies

2600's Transport Units

 10- Sergeant
 20- Corporal
 30-'s- Transport Deputies

2700's Unknown

2800's Jail Units

Town Police Departments

3100  Bridgewater College Police
3400  Bridgewater Police
3500  Dayton Police
3600  Broadway Police
3700  Timberville Police
3800  Grottoes Police
3900  Elkton Police

County Fire & Rescue Agencies:

Company 5 Weyers Cave (Augusta County)
Company 15 Bridgewater
Company 17 Clover Hill
Station 10 Mount Clinton Pike
Company 20 Grottoes
Company 21 Mt. Solon (Augusta County)
Company 23 New Market (Shenandoah County)
Company 30 Elkton
Company 40 Hose Co #4 (East Rock St. Sta)
Station 41 Hose Co #4 (Port Road Sta)
Company 50 Broadway
Company 55 Bergton
Company 60 Timberville
Company 70 Shenandoah (Page County)
Company 75 Singer's Glen
Company 80 McGaheysville
Company 90 Rockingham County Career
Company 95 Merck Fire Brigade
Rescue 1 Shenandoah (Page County)
Rescue 7 Singer's Glen
Rescue 15 Bridgewater
Rescue 17 Clover Hill
Rescue 20 Grottoes
Rescue 30 Elkton
Rescue 35 County Rescue- McGaheysville Station
Rescue 40 Harrisonburg
Rescue 50 Broadway
Rescue 55 Bergton

2-Tones for Pagers

Fire Stations

 C05     378.6   399.8
 Va DOF  378.6   422.1 (Virginia Dept. of Forestry)
 S10     378.6   933.2 (Rockingham Co. Fire/Rescue)
 C15     378.6   445.7
 C17     378.6   470.5
 C18     617.4   553.9
 C20     378.6   524.6
 C21     688.3   553.9
 C23     304.7   1122.5
 C30     378.6   553.9
 C40     378.6   584.8
 C41     378.6   617.4
 C50     378.6   651.9
 C55     378.6   688.3
 C60     378.6   726.8
 C70     688.3   726.8
 C75     378.6   810.2
 C80     378.6   855.5
 C90     378.6   903.2
 DO90    378.6   953.7
 FM90    378.6   1006.9
 All Tone        2640 (Single Long Tone)

Rescue Agencies

 ALS90   378.6   1063.2
 R1      688.3   651.9
 R7      378.6   1122.5
 R15     378.6   1185.2
 R17     378.6   1251.4
 R19     669.9   1122.5
 R20     378.6   1321.2
 R21     688.3   553.9
 R30     378.6   1500
 R35     378.6   1600
 R40     378.6   1695
 R50     378.6   2084
 R55     378.6   2255
 All Tone        2640 (Single Long Tone)

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